Developmental Milestones Related to Occupational Therapy
9-11 Months:
- Crawls 5 feet
- Raises to stand using stable surface for support
- Moves from standing to sitting
- Maintains balance in standing position
- Claps hands
- Removes both socks
- Uses pincer grasp
12-14 Months:
- Walks using adult’s hand
- Walks 5 steps without support
- Creeps up stairs on hands and knees
- Throws ball
- Opens book
15-18 Months:
- Creeps backwards down steps
- Walks up 4 steps without support
- Walks quickly
- Walks backward
- Stacks 2-3 cubes
19-24 Months:
- Runs forward
- Jumps without loss of balance
- Kicks ball
- Throws underhand
- Turns pages in a book
- Draws vertical lines
- Allows tooth brushing/holds toothbrush
- Uses a spoon to eat
- Assists with dressing
2-2.5 Years:
- Walks down steps without support
- Jumps down from an object without assistance
- Walks on tiptoes
- Snips with scissors
- Draws horizontal lines
- Folds paper
- Strings beads
- Lifts cup with 2 hands
- Rubs hands together for hand washing
- Assists with fasteners on clothing
- Removes socks and shoes
2.5-3 Years:
- Jumps forward 24 inches
- Walks up 4 steps using alternating feet
- Catches ball
- Draws a circle
- Copies simple block designs
- Uses a fork to eat
- Brushes teeth
- Removes shirt
- Removes pants
3-3.5 Years:
- Runs quickly
- Walks on a line
- Balances on 1 foot for 5 seconds
- Cuts paper into 2 pieces using scissors
- Cuts on a line
- Copies a cross
- Unfastens 3 buttons on a button strip
- Puts on pants excluding fasteners
- Toilet trained (bladder)
3.5-4 Years:
- Hops on 1 foot
- Fastens buttons on a button strip
- Puts on shirt
- Puts on socks
- Attempts wiping after toileting
- Brushes hair
- Toilet trained (bowel)
4-4.5 Years:
- Completes forward roll
- Gallops
- Draws a square
- Cuts out simple shapes
- Washes body when bathing
- Puts on a front opening shirt
- Zips/unzips clothing
4.5-5 Years:
- Skips
- Imitates arm positions
- Completes 3 sit-ups
- Colors between lines
- Snaps/unsnaps
- Takes off clothes and unfastens fasteners
- Toilet trained at night
5-6 Years:
- Completes 5 sit-ups
- Completes 8 push-ups
- Bounces and catches a small ball
- Uses a knife for eating
- Puts on clothes with fasteners
- Puts shoes on correct feet
6-7 Years:
- Latches zipper
- Prepares toothbrush and thoroughly brushes teeth
- Blows and wipes nose independently
- Washes and dries face
- Dries body after bathing
- Ties shoelaces